

Have updated my Flickr page. Mostly pics of friends and motorcycles. Still much left to upload.


Experiments in blogging.

I'm going to add ( another ) blog to this group. Haven't decided what to call it yet. It may or may not work out as planned. The idea is to have one blog devoted specifically to influences... What I'm reading right now, what I'm listening to, RSS feeds I've found. These won't be recommendations, just a running log of what I'm checking into and how I feel about it. Spillover, basically. If it turns out to be stupid, I'll just delete the blog.

( Update: Ok, it's called Influences. )

First appointment.

I received my first piece of separation paperwork today: A request that I make an appointment with Military Personnel. The sheet stated that I should make the appointment at least six months prior to my separation. Interesting, seeing as how I only have one month left until terminal leave. Pretty typical, really.


Chocolate Covered Liquor Bottles.

  • 2 of those little tiny liquor bottles.
  • 1 Christmas stocking.
  • Several small, foil wrapped pieces of chocolate.
  • 1 back pants pocket.
  • Enough alcohol to make you pass out. ( varies from person to person )

  1. receive liquor bottles and chocolate in stocking from friends at Christmas party.
  2. Place stocking in back pocket.
  3. Drink alcohol.
  4. Pass out in upstairs bedroom.
  5. Wait six hours.
  6. Discover delicious chocolatey mess in back pocket.
  7. Enjoy.
Thanks for the party, Jake and Dani! Classy as always. Merry Christmas, everybody.



Since I'm supposed to be using this page to describe my progress toward military separation, I'll state that progress is somewhat elusive. I've rented a truck from my friend Josh, which will last me till' I leave Oahu and head back to the mainland. Next weekend I'll begin the tedious process of determining what paperwork and ritual dance steps are necessary in order for me to return to civilian life.


Qnotes revisited.

For about a year I published an e-mail newsletter which I eventually called Qnotes. It's circulation was limited almost exclusively to a very small core of friends with interests similar to my own. My releases were very sporadic, and I became increasingly frustrated with the format of the notes themselves. I think I'll like this format better. It includes a full RSS/Atom feed implementation, which makes me very happy, as I am a complete RSS junkie. I'll undoubtedly post more frequently, too, since I won't be writing an entire newsletter. So here it is, for all t
he world to see. My terminal paranoia is already on the rise.

For those of you who knew the original Qnotes, welcome to v2.0. For everyone else, I trust that these rants will prove enjoyable.

Site structure.

This blog will actually be broken up into at least four distinct blogs, each relating to a different topic. This log will be a sort of online journal, while other blogs will relate to the subjects of music, technology and freedom respectively. All of these may be accessed from the sidebar.


First post.

Testing, 1,2,3...

I'm about to start an online journal of events which will run for at least three or four months, maybe longer. I'm separating from the Air Force soon, and it's going to be an interesting few months. This log will detail my exit from the AF, my subsequent move to Portland, OR, and the events that follow. The log is intended to be a way for friends and family to keep track of my whereabouts and goings-on while I transition. I'm going to be very difficult to get a hold of for at least two of those months, so for most of you this will be the only way you'll have of keeping track of me.

A lot of people have been asking what my plans are for when I get out. I have a plan, but it's pretty loose. Things may not go as intended. I'm not quite ready to divulge this plan online, but details will eventually be forthcoming.

Stay tuned,
