

Since I'm supposed to be using this page to describe my progress toward military separation, I'll state that progress is somewhat elusive. I've rented a truck from my friend Josh, which will last me till' I leave Oahu and head back to the mainland. Next weekend I'll begin the tedious process of determining what paperwork and ritual dance steps are necessary in order for me to return to civilian life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the move goes as smoothly as it can. It sounds like this will be an interesting blog, to say the least. I'm glad you finally broke down and did it! I'm sure this will be the most time-effective way for you to keep in touch with people. I'll be one of the avid readers.

5:44:00 AM  
Blogger Q. said...

Right on. We'll see how long I last this time. lol

5:20:00 PM  

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