
My Katherine.

My girlfriend fills me with awe on a regular basis. Not only is she lovely, creative and compassionate, she's also pretty sharp. Yesterday she recieved news that she scored in the...

waitwaitwait. DRUMROLL PLEASE!

She scored in the Ninety Ninth Percentile on the LSATs. Wow. I love you, Katherine. You're amazing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the LSATs for lawyers-in-training?

What kind of lawyer is she aiming to be?

And I can't help but notice that google has acquired blogger.com.
and I'm not entirely convinced Katherine exists. Post a picture. Make sure she's holding up a current newspaper with a clear date. And maybe, I don't know, playing a kazoo or something.
Nothing says "I'm real" like playing a kazoo. Really what, I'm not sure, but its been awhile since I last saw a kazoo being played. Ah, nostalgia...

12:47:00 PM  
Blogger pivn6 said...

I don't know if I will be a lawyer. I took the LSATs for the possibility of going to law school, not because I am defnitely going to law school.
And I'll work on the picture.


2:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome.
Congrats, Katherine. I hope I get to meet you soon.

7:11:00 AM  
Blogger Q. said...

Actually, Mr. A, I saw a guy playing the kazoo the other day. (At least, I think it was a kazoo. It looked like a kazoo from a distance.) His name is Sxip Shirey. Website here.

11:26:00 AM  
Blogger Q. said...

And I shall post a picture soon.

11:27:00 AM  
Blogger Q. said...

And yes, google has acquired blogger. The changes they've made recently have been pretty spiffy.

11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see the kazoo, but at least he's wearing a fedora, which is a step in the right direction. Or at least in SOME direction. Not necessarily the direction of youthful nostalgia, mind you, since I wasn't even alive in what I like to call the Age of the Fedora, but at least we're going in that direction -- that is to say, you know, to the past.
Still, I was always partial to the movie "The Thin Man" and Rex Stout novels.

I'm also pretty sure that Sxip is not his given name. Even in Cleveland it would be pretty odd for an Ohio parent to give a kid that name. Maybe in Cincinnatti. Fine name, though. I like Pixs, too. "Picks his WHAT?" you could ask. See? Fun name.

3:14:00 AM  
Blogger pivn6 said...

To prove I exist I have caved to the petty demands. Go here for the photo: www.flickr.com/photos/38415198@N00/283262526/
It's a wooden kazoon and a New Yorker. I figured that was close enough.

7:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, you're a sweetie, doll-face. Works with the whimsical notions of your friends, Mr. Q, there's a keeper.

That kazoo really takes me back. I still remember the day when I was a little ragamuffin on the streets of Chicago and a man with a kazoo on a gold chain around his neck came up to me and showed me a brand new deck of cards on which the seal had not even been broken.
"Kid, I'll bet you a fiver that I can make the Jack of Spades jump out of this deck and squirt you in the ear with cider," he said to me.
"No way old man!" I cried as I took his bet, and sure as I am standing here today my ear ended up full of cider from which I am fairly certain I developed a minor infection.

And since I didn't have the fiver he boxed me in the other ear and made me shine his shoes.

But ever since then I've been impressed by the power of the kazoo!


You know what? On second thought, I'm not sure that ever happened. I think I might still be lost in the Age of the Fedora.

Cheers and I was impressed by the photo,
P.S. I am a proud owner of "The New Yorker Book of Cat Cartoons".

3:32:00 PM  

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