
And in other news...

The Dresden Dolls! On tour! No opening bands! Small venue only! I have tickets! For October! Here in Portland! More exclamation points! -> !!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm done with that shit. Sorry. Anyway, I've decided that procrastination is only hurting my financial status, so my first check of next month goes toward bartending classes. No more fucking around. Really.

Also, check out new items in the music, mind and tech and freedom sections.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha. HAH!
Finally, my idea takes root somewhere! I always thought you'd make a kick-ass bartender. 'Course, you had probably thought of it long before I had.

For a second there, I imagined you as a Fallout Boy pink/black-haired emo girl while I read the first few sentences of your entry, and chills ran up my spine...

10:34:00 AM  

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