

Based on comments from my last post, I've actually been thinking a lot during the last couple of days about what it means to stay true to one's ideals.


Fuck the greater good. I did this for the money. heh.


Yeah. This is totally why I left the Air Force. And partly why I joined the Air Force in the first place. Perhaps I should have gone to the show, there are other priorities at this point, money being one of them. I don't really blame myself for not going, because if I haven't figured out whether I should have gone or not yet, then it's clearly a pretty complicated issue. So, no regrets per se.

I guess the main issue that I'm wrestling with at this point is best summed up by a lyric from an Ani DiFranco song "Not a Pretty Girl":

and generally my generation/
wouldn't be caught dead working for the man/
and generally I agree with them/
trouble is you gotta have yourself an alternate plan

It's past time for me to find an alternate plan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fuck the greater good." -
Y-E-S. That's the brother I know. *grins*

Sometimes I think it would feel so great to singlehandedly create another great depression, just so people who don't have to make those life-changing decision (concert over work..) can feel that same slap in the face.

9:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't make another great depression. During the depression, the rich folks mostly rode through okay. Belt tightening meant not eating steak for supper every night, and laying off those excess workers. It was the smaller, blue-collar folks that were torn apart.

Labor unions sure had some good times. Strike-breaking, now there's some tough work, eh? The old silver mine strikes in Colorado were one of the few times the US Army actually supported strikers rather than big business.
... and afterwards, the rich business owners made sure the laws were changed so it could never happen again.

Likewise when poor, undertrodden folks riot and make muck out of things, it's other poor, undertrodden folks who suffer. Take the recent Paris riots, for example. They weren't torching late model Mercedes-Benz, you know. How'd you like to come home from work and find your car torched and not have the $1000 to deal with it? Better hope you've got the insurance for that, pal.

Most crimes in our society are likewise commited by the underclass against the underclass.

It's a vicious cycle, that's what it is. A vicious cycle.

Want the home addresses of some swindling CEOs who got off by turning state's evidence?

Go read about white-collar crime to get steamed up: http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/whitecollarcrime_blog/
and clumsy crooks to laugh it off: http://www.clumsycrooks.com/

Our society in a nutshell! Nutty nuts!


7:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didn't think anyone would take it so seriously...
now I really want to do it! XD thanks for the inspiration. time to go spend all my money on a program to break the stock exchange. oh, and a couple of molitov cocktails, too.

6:10:00 PM  
Blogger Q. said...

Only in the "loosest" sense of the word. heh.

12:53:00 PM  
Blogger Q. said...


12:54:00 PM  

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