
Hello, Portland.

I arrived in Portland at about 0830 this morning, after a lovely ten hour layover in Los Angeles. On the plus side, I got to sample a double-double from In n'Out Burger for the first time in four years or so. It's 52 degrees out and I have three smokes left in my pocket before I quit. It's one PM and I still haven't been to sleep.

I know some of you will be disappointed to hear that I checked into a hotel this morning. I don't have the cash on hand to do it again, so it's do or die from this point forward.

The Portland transit system is awesome. Four bucks gets you anywhere all day long. The best thing I've seen here so far is the public library. It's beautiful. Three stories tall. Amazingly well organized. Internet notification systems for everything. Of course, I need a permanent address before I can get a library card, but that's ok. Based on what I saw in the cognitive psychology section of the card catalog, people actually read here. *sigh*. I'm in heaven.

Time to find food.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm fairly impressed you actually got on the plane after the other day's binge.
Good luck, good job, congrats on the all-important piece of paper the AF gave you. :)

1:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, if I had known you were moving to Portland... Lived there for a number of years and still have family there. So get a place to live, or pull up a cardboard box under the Burnside Bridge, and then get in touch with me and I can help you out.

3:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A permanent address is as easy as renting a mailbox. Portland has a mailbox etc in every quadrant of the city. Pick up a phone book (under mail services) or, since you're online:

Mail On the Run
3848 Southeast Division Street, Portland, OR 97202

could be fun.

Expect a small, non-business box to run you about $100 a year.

These are also good for driver licenses. Remember, it's not a BOX or SUITE #, it's an APARTMENT #, so when the 18-year-old DMV worker asks you "Is that an apartment?" you say YES. You also give the cops this same answer, should it come up. Your mail gets to you fine no matter whether it says St. 405, Box 405, or Apt. 405.

Go get your library card, Mr. Q.

Cheers and congratulations,
P.S. Please do keep the updates coming. Very amusing.

7:27:00 AM  

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